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Question: What is the depth of the pregnancy system?

You get some flare text and some interactions/acknowledgments, but it's not too indepth. Nothing that can't be had anywhere else. as far as I'm aware.

Game blocking bug in the web version- I screwed around with exploring the wrong way on day 1. I missed all the flags for Nooks, and while he SAYS he will go to the "slime nests" I have confirmed a few times that the room with gears on the floor is the "dungeon" and he is nowhere to be found. I have tried breeding with slimes. I have tried losing to slimes. I have gotten to level 20 desperately trying to make Nooks spawn and get the stuff to make a 2nd level of the dungeon in hopes THAT works. Nothing.


Oh dear, that sounds like trouble. I am sorry for the inconvinience. Would it be possible to post your savefile in the Discord?

That happened to me too.  I don't know HOW I fixed it, but eventually he showed up in the room.


Wish that there was a way to tame a harpy girl so I could have a dungeon floor made for harpies 

Deleted 315 days ago
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FYI - The Mona breeding encounter isn’t updated for a male-to-hermaphroditic Greater Slime MC. The MC body references are all for the pre-reshape character. 

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Strange, thanks for reporting, I will take a look. Which one in specific is this, the bossfight, the adult scene afterward, or another scene? (Do note that most older scenes are retrofitted to work with the feature, they should not use any gendering language, but they will prob pick the existing wording for male genetalia)

i dont know if this helps but i found this on the borwser debug console tap  because same thing happend to me i cant play the game on the web 

Interesting, what browser is this?

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if im not wrong i think it was on google crome sence i used the chromebook OS

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Strange, that should only happen if the javascript version supported by your browser is way out of date. And then I mean waaaaaaaay out of date

ohhhhhh i see thank you for the help and yeah you are right i was teking a look in my laptop and yes is outdated making it inposible to do stuff 

the browser version on mine wont load any tips on how to fix this?

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You can try opening the web browser debug (if on pc), hotkey is Ctrl+shift+i on most browsers. If you navigate to the console tap and post the error messages I might be able to help

how about on android one?

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That's more difficult. I don't think you can see debug information without installing a specialized browser for that. It's not my area of expertise

You cant observe a mosquir summoner without a error popping up in the browser version


Alright, thanks for reporting! I will take a look


Can confirm, is a bug. Will be fixed next patch

Deleted 1 year ago
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You need to pass though the graveyard to unlock that door, its in the bottom left corner somewhere

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Hi guys can anyone help me with the goblin girl toebiter to join the dungeon floor please cause I tried to recruit her but is forcing me to fight her to death does anyone have any suggestions? 

Also in my opinion being a human being should have the ability to Rockwall as well cause back in my bush hometown there steep hills and valleys that requires you to use hands and feet to climb up these steep hills. Cause let me tell you they are not easy but is do able 

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Its just a game mechanic, afterall our character is a level 15 office worker who probably never climbed a day in his life


True but it is set in DNA and bone structure 

How i can open the gate with lever 2?


Hope there will be more new hairstyles in the future :> You did a great job. I can’t imagine how much you tried.

Deleted 1 year ago

I am sorry to hear that. I am afraid the avatar's body type cannot be changed. I would have loved to add a feature like that, but the sheer amount of variant art would have been beyond my ability to produce. I hope you can find what you are looking for elsewhere. Love, Nranchs

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago


in the prolgue, I for some reason was able to go into the basement of the office building, despite it being the prologue

Oh, that's weird. Thanks for reporting! I will take a look

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I saw a thing about werecats getting a skill at level 5 but i was wondering what weredogs get

Edit: I can't seem to find the flamewalker ring

Edit:nvm I'm up to date now, just waiting for the next update

I love the game I just wish I could be more than just half human things but other than that I really enjoy the game

This was a fun text based game! I have one question about the rockwalking skill as I saw in the wiki that it's available for werecats at level 5, but even when I'm past that I don't see it available for purchase?


Ah yes, something seems to have been swapped around. The skill is called Nimble climber in the skill list, I will add it to the list to be fixed. Thanks for reporting!

I seem to have gotten into a bit of a stump - I need to go to the large crypt, but can't seem to find a way there since the gate doesn't open from my side and I've wandered around the graveyard for good five minutes. Help?


From what I recall you have to go to the inner graveyard to the left, then down into the caverns then down another screen then I or 2 screens off to the right. You get to it from the screen  where you encounter the horny kobold girl and the grumpy goblin (put that ring on before you talk to her, the one that negates healing). You'll probably run into the cat boy and the moth at least 3 times before you get there, though.

Isn't the goblin in the sewers, though? Where you fight the mimic?

Yes, but you should also encounter her in the graveyard 

Deleted 1 year ago
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Which build is this, the public or the patreon one? (Her fight is not needed for story progression as of now, but she should still appear in the antechamber before the switchroom at Qir dungeon 1f north, in the south-east)

Deleted 1 year ago

how do i access the cheat menu?

(1 edit) (+1)

I first discovered this game when it was very new and had little content, but knew it was certainly going to be interesting.  After playing it again after about a year, I can safely say this is one of the top 5 NSFW games I've ever played. The art is very well done, and the writing is certainly better than most of the games out there. There is a lot of lore, and it feels like a very immersive experience.  There are a few problems I have had with it, though. 

First, the UI is a bit clunky and irritating to use. All the text seems to blend together, making it difficult to easily look through all my stuff.  Some color could help more 'important' things stick out. When there are a lot of things in range of an attack, the list of options is bloated by how many options say [not a combatant] making combat feel a lot slower. If I can't target it, why include it in the list? The spell/ability list has the same issue of being really long, this could be fixed by making a few quickslots to swiftly activate favorite spells and items. Selling all the junk I pick up takes a while too, it would be convenient if I could sell multiple stacks of items at a time.

Second, there are a few things I dislike about the gameplay. The map is irritatingly small. I found a setting in the menu that I thought would enlarge the map, but it didn't seem to do anything .(Maybe I just did something wrong?) Second, it is really annoying when I find a good piece of equipment, but it makes my character look incredibly mismatched. (Like, who wears only a maid skirt and not the whole uniform?) The two ways I can think to fix this are either adding a cosmetic items section or a location where I can transfer equipment stats to another. There are also a lot of abilities unavailable in boss fights, making them not as useful as they could be.

Third, just some general issues. There is a lot of content blocked by not having the right body parts, perhaps there could be a way to somehow obtain this other part, like how a certain goblin who shall not be named for spoiler reasons can change your vagina into a penis for a single 'activity.' In an older version, I found that I could give myself both genitalia in an older version by downloading my save, editing both the string values for having  either part to true, and importing the save, but I haven't checked if that's been patched yet. I have also found one continuity error in the game. If you go find Mona before finishing the Graveyard dungeon, in one of her scenes it references Primilla before you have even met her. Apart from that, I have also noticed a few typos, but they'll probably be fixed eventually.

I didn't mean for this to be so long, and I hope this didn't come off as being rude. I really enjoy this game and am excited to see where it goes.

EDIT: just discovered there is in fact a way to move enchantments from one piece to another, probably should've finished the game all the way before writing my review :/


Is there a way to get a bee girl to join the heram or harpy?

Nope, not right now


Okay so can it be a possible add on


It says a lot about our world that seemingly everyone agrees that a simultaneously anarchic yet megalomaniacal cult of violent perverts who openly admit that they are evil would be a preferable system of government to the corporatocracy/oligarchy-posing-as-democracy running things now.

Anyway, great game! The three or four different forms of combat are all a bit too separated from each other to work well together, but individually all are fine, and that's really the only serious complaint I have. Fantastic writing in a setting that is surprisingly original (considering that it is mostly just the result of merging a couple pre-existing common genres). Good art, good sex scenes, mostly good gameplay aside from the one gripe above, and great pacing for the various quests and sidequests.


this game reminds me alot of the fenoxo games, but it's definitely unique enough to have it's own separate place in my head, very nice. one thing I would like to mention is that currently you're punished in story fights for trying to do anything other than a strength-based build because you can't use combat abilities in them, so maybe either add a basic combat skill that works based on the other weapon types or just make basic attacks scale off a different stat based on what weapon you have equipped. currently I'm going for a mage and getting into an enemy encounter is effectively a failstate for me against enemies I can 1-2 shot from the map

How do I cheat myself into having rockwalking?

Iv said almost same thing bubby but there isn't one at all

Hi Nranchs do you know how to recruit toebiter into gang


Hey Nranchs, do you have any plans to add more player races? If you do, I'd like to see a satyr race in the game, thanks!


Personal I would like to see if we can receive a harpy that join the team or heram to produce a baby / weregirl join .

There are currently no other species planned, but I will put your recommendation on the suggested features list


Also you know the ring that allows you to swim can we get rings that U to pass through areas that U can't normally will pass like flamewalker, rockwalker, icewalkers

Hi Nranchs is there anything I can find the rock walking skills to climb of the rock?

It is a Werecat exclusive skill

Can you be able to chAnge class?

Nope, not without cheating


Can the male arachnids impregnate you? I've been trying and trying to get knocked up by one of them and I haven't managed it, yet the moment I give up and go play with a slime, I'm slime-pregnant. Are they just not available yet or have I just had bad luck?

The pregnancy system for the simulated sex scenes does not work as intended at the movement, it's a know issue. Seeing of the male arachnids only have a simulated sex fight (they are one of the few that don't have any normal sex scenes), it might indeed be impossible in the current version

You are not let the Android and IOS to play that right?


hi can U help find the skill rockwalker in the game

I'm sorry, I don't know to find, I'm on Android, cannot download game


Hi Nranchs I was wondering if you could put more sences like moving pictures of Mc having/abusing images please Cause it doesn't really excite me but I do like the effort that what counts also can you make mc wife's thie pregnant show their pregnancy rather not seeing if their pregnant or not also for ones that lay eggs show their laying them please 🥺 thankyou

Kind regards titans66

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Thanks for playing, glad you liked it! I am afraid animation (or adding a lot more portrait variants) is out of the scope of this project, I simply do not have the time 


Ok well thanks anyway I may have an idea that U can try don't know if it will work but U the harpys n the beeling perhaps you could make it so either one could join the guild have babies with as well cause we have two bug girls that lay eggs so why not add a harpy or a new queen bee girl to the team?

And this is only an idea U don't have to use it Just an idea that I thought of.

Hi can anyone help me get this in android version please 🥺

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The web version works with mobile devices, and other than that, I have been told the downloadable version can be loaded in something called Joiplay

Hello there ^^/ ! i just started to play but i really like it for now, thanks for your hard work ! I really like Nooks, and i saw on the wiki there no specific  option for the player to be pregnant with him, i would really like if was possible ^^. Just curious, i know it's not really this kind of game but i would really like if there some tiny little bit of romance :3 ?

But don't take it to seriously it's already a good game !

Have a good day ^^/

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it! I will add it to the list of future content suggestions

Shouldn't the male slime have a scene where he is impregnated by a male character player? I mean "Slimecore : you always have a womb regardless of genitalia" and "Liquid body : Allows fluids to freely roam your inners. Contact with semen anywhere on your body may result in pregnancy."

I mean sure, i found those skills description in the greater slimes wiki page, but the basic slime page does speak of both traits as well, slimes do have a liquid body and a core.

Also does that mean greater slimes with male genitalia can get pregnant from masturbation scenes? ^^'


Thanks for the suggestions, I will keep them in mind for future content

How do I get through the obstacles that say I need a specific skill to traverse?

Some species have traversal skills, and there are rings that give you the abiltity

Deleted post

Some of the fights might have reset on old saves this build (for technical reasons). Did you check the three spots she appears again?

Deleted post

Ooh, thanks! I was wondering about this myself. so check in the graveyard, the sewers and the tunnels under the lab, then?

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