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Ich versuche die ganze Zeit steine zu bekommen aber leider weiß ich nicht wie man welche bekommt ohne die Stein Mine

Some quality of life suggestions. Ability to save currently equipped gear as a loadout so I could quickly swap between multiple gear sets. Also, ability to favorite spells/actions so they appear at the top of the list would be nice.

also am I able to mod this game and add my own species into the game?

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There is no mod api, but the game is written in javascript, css and html, so it should be easy to modify if you know what you are doing

oh is there any thought to add a hermaphrodite option for the player, that allows any genders sex action?

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There exists a cheatcode to have both genitalia, but you will have to find it. It can also be achieved by modding the savefile

Wasn't there an option for slimefolks to achieve that through skills at some point?
Or was it just gender swapping?

Oh yea, now that you mention it, I think that might be correct

If you reach level 10 as a greater slime you unlock the ability

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is there a way I can have all species unique stat characteristics at once, and have it  only chow one character species? and is there a way to have the weredog tail, but werecat ears. and yes I'm using save edit for cheating rn, I already got as afar as I can without them, now I'm just using them to see all the game has to offer, and also to see what all you can do with save edit while keeping the save usable

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I don't think that is possible to have mixed species features without editing the game code itself. At least not permanently, you can temporarily set pieces of the avatar, but it won't stick. The character display code will refresh parts of the avatar once gear changes, and reset it based on your current species.

There are ways to change your species during a game using savefile edits or cheatcodes, but you will have find out those methods yourself

How do you complete the A Dog Eager To Dig quest? It says to go to F1 of the dungeon but there is only the graveyard F2 and the dungeon alter

If you exit on the right of the dungeon altar, you should end up in F1 of the dungeon

thats a weird bug, after two reloads it was still F2, then I reloaded it today and it says F1 and nooks spawned in when he wasnt before

it actually did it again instantly after and now I have two floor 2's

Perhaps you could try sharing your safe-file on the Discord, then I can take a look at it

My suggestion

1:Even if it's not a greater slime, Use Special Store to change appearance or genitals.

2:Greater slime would be better suited to allow pregnancy slots in the womb and anus to be shared and to be able to increase one slot with skill.

3:Please allow to get some species skills through the tome.

Question: Do you have any thoughts on adding an event that can impregnate the Corpi, Mell, or Some Harpies? 


how do you get the swimming skill for the slime 


You need to equip the Mermaid ring, if you have one


My comments got deleted 3 times somehow anyways,

I have few suggestions regarding the game which is of course good 

1)Our male main character doesn't look like he is a male might as well be a woman in disguise. So yeah, make him more masculine. 

2)Our character on paper is given choice the it can choose which position it want to be on top or bottom. 

But in reality our character always thought the whole game has to be on mostly bottom position every male character,friend(Our friend dog who I forgot name of) put our male MC on bottom even some of insects, animals and somehow girls(Mona)also force us one bottom. 

You should add more option to be on top.

I think there might be a problem with the Mermaid ring, if you already looted everything in the Underground before the update, the chest that drop the item do not respawn, even after beating Toeeater. Making the progress impossible

Yep, that's a bug. A fix is coming in 1 or 2 days


The fix v0.2.11.3 is live

wow, that was really fast ! thanks

Deleted post
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The dialogue and the game slightly mismatch on where it it. It should be in the chest as a loot drop next to the place you beat her in the underground map. Will fix that discrepancy in the future

how do i beat the sleeping bat it says i need something to prove im the guild master

Vague answer: what got you INTO the position?

Not-so-vague answer: Check your items, youll see it.

Throw the Hougeton at her.

What happen with wiki?

Cant access anymore

Yea, had trouble with the hosting provider. It's back up now

Hi, at the moment Im totally lost in the Orcmin Labs, cant figure out how to open all the doors, checked in the 2nd floor and basement and looked at the Wiki, which doesnt seem to match the actual layout. Any tips?


The maps on the wiki have been updated to better match the current state of the game. I hope you were able to figure the puzzle out in the end


Is there any hypnosis/mind control content in this game?

There is some mind control content, but not much

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Ok first thing i'd like to say, i absolutely LOVE the game and its concept. I already have 25h of game and i still find new things and enjoy playing and following the story.  It really is a great work !

Second thing... the file name we download for the last update is called "Rogachard", just saying... i find it funny  ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it! It was probably early Monday morning when I made zip files, I will see if I can fix it XP

my next question tho is when is the main questline going to be finished/continued?

like when is the next update for that planned?

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There is an update every first Monday of the month. I try to move the main story a bit forward with each update, but it takes a lot of work. Current planning is to have the main story finished towards the end of the year.

ok thanks for telling me. Also will there be more side quests added too, besides the main story

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Probably, if I got some good ideas, those will be added as well. And every almost every update, one of the pre-existing characters gets some additional scenes

i have a quick question, how do i break the sheild on mekil goodmoney. Cause i know you have to use trash no sweep but i dont know what i have to do with it

oh wait i think i figured it out


use the wiki for the game,  everything you need to know is on there

how do i play this on android......?

The easiest way is to play the web version, otherwise you will have to look into using an game loader like joiplay

ah, i see thanks

Hey can some one say to me How to beat Mu'ngstint the Drainfly? 

You can try the wiki

The first graveyard fight you need to talk to her to find you need to learn chitterspeech. Its hard to win but no big deal to lose.  2nd after learning it is mostly talking, IIRC. Always try talking to the bosses.

Just noticed, in the web browser version in firefox on an android phone there doesnt seem to be a way to save locally. Is this a android thing, a bug or Firefox weirdness?


Downloading saves on web-mobile had to be disabled because of an issue with the wrapper. It will work if you load the page in desktop mode though

Thanks, I'll give that a try, dont want to lose my save if i have to clear my cache.

Clicking on the image wouldn't let me go to next passage (stuck)

Is the engine using twine?  I'm on mobile tho

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Strange, that can happen when something breaks while loading. The engine is Undum, not Twine, for what it is worth. On mobile, all I can recommend is to try a different browser, as you cannot access the web browser's debugger


Great game, but if I may make a suggestion? From what I can tell there is no usable damage spells in story fights, which makes a mage build completely ineffective in these. I'd either make a damage spell that works in these or if there are damage spells that work in them, make them a bit more obvious please, as I have not been able to find any despite looking in the wiki. Great game though!

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Thank you, glad you liked it! Story fights should be beatable with every type of build, they are more like text puzzles then real fights. Most of them were made long before damage spells were introduced, and there isn't really a way to make them work with them without making them trivial. But, I can look into adding some more clarifications in the game about that

Are you able to play this on Mac?

Yes, it is browser based. Both the web and downloaded version should work

can someone please make a android vesison please 

Just use Joiplay

where do I find that?

Google play

When fighting Sparkmind's 3rd robot, can't remember its name, text says "Just stand there like a buffoon" but doesn't have a defend option, is that a bug?

Its a bit weird I admit, but that is intended behaviour

how many female slime do I need  to defeat to unlock tentacle interaction at the slime nest

Im having issues with the web version on my tablet. I camt see whats on the left side of my screen. Is it supposed to be downloaded or played using joiplay?

I can't really tell what the issue is from that description alone. Can you post a screenshot of  screen?

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how many female slime does it take to unlock tentacle interaction at the slime nest

Three times, if I recall

I think I have killed more 


hey I was wondering if for later updates if you would be able to take care of your child and develop a mother/father relationship with it 

There currently are other features that take priority. Perhaps somewhere down the line the offspring system will get an overhaul



in the future will there be full races for character creation? like kobolds for example

No, I afraid the code had a hard time supporting different head shapes, so that is off the table right now

could you add more tails to the greater slime like form the other species. Could you also add tentacles to it

I will put it on the list of suggestions for future content

(2 edits)

Bug: Not sure if peeps mentioned, but if you click the top choice, Nearly Naked Soothsayer, though there's a choice to back out, it doesn't do anything.

Now some comments:

1. Could you change the oblivion potion to only reset skills that take skill potions? Really annoying that I'd end up losing my tome skills, especially when the player may lose some unique ones, like healing touch -- and it's unlock, Healing Circle -- and summon wood sprite [some easy grind] would be lost.
Could you sort of lock the skill if they're unique/ can't be obtained again?

1a. I thought flame orb was a magic weapon, and bought the magic weapon skill, whatever bolt, but turns out it's melee -.- Waste 2sp with that, so may want to clarify weapon type somewhere.

2. The on screen combat is uber annoying, with how I'm only dealing 1 damage if I use weapons.

3. Maid set is uber powerful, especially compared to the other items/set. The only other close one is Snowyrm; could we get some male equivalent? Not really into my character crossdressing.

4. Boxes are uber OP, allowing us to get purple/pink[+3?] equipment through save scumming.... Problem is they don't refresh, thus if peeps don't know about this, they'd end up missing out, until they can start enchanting. Especially with some of the enchants: Miner= quicker resources, Extractor= essence and treasure, Longshot= some stats, Fortitude= HP&Fx&LP, Fortunate= exp and something, plus others.

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Thanks for reporting!

  • 1: The Oblivion potion thing is an oversight, it was introduced far before the tome skills. I will take a look at fixing it
  • 1a: That is a bug, either the enchanted weapon bug, or something else. It should be a magic weapon (I fixed something like that with the update on the 5th of December). Will take a look
  • 2: There are many balance changes coming, and still more are in development. I hacked on-screen combat in one version before this one, and it still needs a lot of love
  • 3: More armour is coming eventually, will take a look at the balancing
  • 4: Fixing the chest drops would be possible, I will put it on the list of suggestions for future content

I've got a minor bug: When using a Great Liquid Flux, a normal one is consumed instead. 

Unfortunately, it also only restores 10 Flux, so it's not exploitable :D

Oh, the first part is new to me. Thanks for reporting! Will fix it.

I'm not sure why, but I can only attack with my fists not, regardless of what weapon I have equipped. Not fun.

I am not sure I understand, can you give more information?

I'm not sure what caused it, but in the Orcsmin labs, I noticed I no longer had range on my Fire Orb, and in fact I was attacking with Fist when they were adjacent. I have tried unequipping, requipping, equipping melee weapons, dropping off-hand gear, none of it can make me attack in any way but Fist. The Icon for attacking changes to the weapon I have equipped, but the weapon attack is always Fist

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Weird, could you post your safe file in the Discord? I will take a look

Nevermind, I have found the bug. There are some issues with enchantments and the new weapon system. For now it is better to use non enchanted weapons. There will be a fix included in next patch on December the 5th

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socks and boots... could be from different categories like: legs(blue socks) feet (boots)

it's kind of annoying to see the pc walking around without shoes

Wish i could go fullscreen

Nranchs I was wondering if there are cheats in the game I've been playing for a long time but i lost all my progress via and accidental computer factory reset if there are if you could tell me it would be very appreciated

There are development console commands, many that helps. Shift-D when on the map, then type help into the box

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