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Deleted 170 days ago

Thank you! Glad you liked it.

(1 edit)

Is Mona's pregnancy not implemented, or bugged? She'll happily pump the PC full of eggs if asked (or on her own if you let her) but they all just dissipate after a while and the status screen insists your orifices are devoid of any content.


Yea, I don't think there is a pregnancy for that right now because it used to only be a loss scene. I will make a note, and see if I can add it in a future update


Any plans for more hermaphrodite characters like Nuby?


hm yes it does appear i have a crush on nooks

(1 edit) (+1)

Was talking to Mell The Soothsayer after leaving the building and it made it impossible to go back, completely stuck on her screen

Thank you for reporting. I am unable to reproduce that error. Can you open the dev tools (Ctrl+shift+I on pc), navigate to the console, and post any errors you find there?

(2 edits)

This error will occur if you initiate interaction with Mell by clicking on the "nearly naked soothsayer" link in her opening screen, instead of "Talk with Mell" action provided underneath. Essentially it makes the "Back" button do nothing, and you're stuck in the loop where you can only "Listen" to Mell forever and ever.

Oh, did I forgot to remove that link? Yep, that will break stuff, thanks for reporting!

I'm not sure if this is a bug but female werecats can get the female slime pregnant somehow?

(1 edit)

That is not supposed to happen, I will look into it.

Edit: Can't find anything out of place. Do you remember what scene this was (loss/victory & combat/non-combat)?

I don't really understand the combat.  Whether I make them cum or they make me cum, I end up being completely exhausted and back in bed.  What do I do to continue progressing?

Deleted 1 year ago

Will there be more starting species in the future?

Yes, there are more starting species coming


I stumbled across this game about a year ago and enjoyed it a lot. I finally decided to give it another play and see any new updates and I was shocked!! I started a new game and was immediately impressed with how different it was, and it's really amazing. The game has progressed so much and I'm so excited to see the rest. I'm already anticipating the masterpiece I'm confident the final version will be. 

My only issue has been getting lost even with the map... It would be handy if there were something to remind you of the direction the exits are once you have fully explored an area. Also possibly something like different square colors on the map for the different areas? Maybe it could be an accessibility setting that could be toggled on or off, so directionally challenged people like me could use it without having to have it on for everyone.


Thanks for playing, glad you liked it! I will think about making the map clear somehow.

Just a minor bug report - in the current version (and I think ever since it's been added) picking the Howlamir vaginal scene simply starts the anal one instead.

Can confirm, that is a bug. Thanks for reporting!

What's the status of this game in development?

(1 edit) (+1)

In customizing area, request for short black hair.

Perhaps beard options too.


Honestly long black hair would be nice too XD



(2 edits) (+2)

In active development, describes the status pretty well. Mostly adding content, and sometimes systems


are there any cheats?

How do you build the things required for Mu and Flutty? I was able to build the dungeon for Mox, but when I open the menu the options for magic circle and hive aren't there.


They are second tier buildings, you will need to upgrade the forest and the farm if I remember correctly

Ok, thanks.


are there gonna be visual things for sex partners rather than just text

Nothing like that is currently planned I am afraid

(1 edit)

i can't see the image please HELP


I have a question about the updates. I understand that Patreon's pretty much get the update early, but will it be like they get it early but we receive it a little later on? or is new race a Patreon exclusive?


Patreon gets the updates 2 months early, but everything will make its way to here eventually


Thanks lol I figured as much.


is there actually a way to get exhibitionism at the start of the game?


Nope, there currently isn't without cheating


if i had a nickle for every game i could equip a dildo to pick a lock  in, I'd have two nickles, but it's wierd that it happened twice.

in all seriousness though great game. just gotta work a bit on proofreading things. some words are clearly just not right due to misclicking or adding extra letters.

(3 edits) (+2)

The effect of the Ring of Undeath should be called +life resistance not -life resistance as it states that life damage is healing, so if you have higher resistance to life it means higher resistance to healing and unhealing. Also my slime character have Regeneration and it says that it's a half kobold specific ability, either a bug (or a kobold fucked her mother?) or just a typo since I see why slimes would have such a thing.

I fell in love with this game, keep up the good work <3

Also also: What does Rogschard mean? Is it just a random arrangement of letters?

Also also also: Is there or will there be a way to store the save file of the game in the game folder somewhere?

Also also also also: Is your name orange? (The way it is written makes me pronounce it like the hungarian word for orange: "narancs")


Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

  •  Regeneration is a know bug, it was tagged as a non-species skill, so was not removed when clicking around when first picking a class. Its fixed now, but the skill remains if you already have it
  • Ring of Undeath: I will see if I can update the description to better reflect what is happening in the system
  • Rogschard is mostly a random arrangement of letters, yes
  • If you are on pc, you can use the upload/download buttons below the save slot to upload/download a savefile to disk
  • The name Nranchs is actually derived from Nudibranch

How do you beat the goblin, the werebat's second stage, and the roaming Bombax(?)?

Even with chosing to up only my strength (cause we can't seem to learn spells besides heal) we can't seem to do do more than 0 damage.


If stuck, try the wiki

(1 edit) (+1)

"An addition menu action becomes available if you have Trash-no-sweep equipped. Using this action win instantly lose the fight."

This should say will instantly lose, right…?

Edit: Also additional, I think?


Ah yes, some typos in the wiki. Thanks for reporting

Deleted 16 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

There isn't currently an apk version available, I might look into making one in the future. Thank you for your interest!


Is it not possible to talk to dayji after finishing all the quest for main quest?


She should be in the Throne room after completing the prologue

(1 edit) (+1)

I did and finished the main or (beginner) quests but there's no option to turn in the main quest



(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, you that quest can only be finished next update. It isn't done yet. Give it one or two days, the update should be released then

(1 edit)

Hello I seems to be encountering a bug with the autosave. No matter which save I tries to load it always load the most recent one.

Can confirm, there indeed appears to be a bug. Will put it on the list. Thanks for reporting!

I can’t seem to be able to save but I’m unsure if that’s by fault of my phone, browser or the game 

Some questions:

- What device and browser are you using?

- Does it give an error when you try to save, or does it do something else?

I am now able to save but the saves just disappear after a short amount of time. I’m on phone and am using opera GX 

(3 edits)

Saves will disappear if you clear browser data, or if you have 'automatically clear site cashes' turned on. If that does not fix it, you can try using a different browser

(1 edit)

I may of missed it during the tutorial but is there a way to tell exactly what the mc's attributes actually do? Im trying to plan out what to use my skill points on.

Would it be possible to get an apk version for android? 

Thanks for playing~ There is some more explanation of the stats coming in a later update. Currently, there isn't an apk version planned. Maybe one day, but I have too many other tasks on my hands right now

(1 edit)

I think saving is glitched or something, I can't save anymore

Edit:nvm... Just the two save files taking up too much room

(4 edits)

Yea, sometimes the browsers don't like the savefile size. I currently don't understand the underlying cause, the file should be way to small to cause any issue (0.1 mb at most) and when testing it on my own setup with the same browsers, I am unable to replicate this bug.

For future reference: What browser and operating system were this?

Edit: It appears max save size might be limited to 5-10 mb for the entire domain on some browsers. So other games on itch might count against the limit

in the end I lost all my progress TwT so when I get the chance I'll try again

How can I sell items

Will be added in version v0.2.4.0

I played this game a while back and really liked it, but now I can’t seem to get the game fully on the aceren. is there a known fix for this?

Can you give some more information? What operating system/device are you running? What browser are you using?

i’m using google chrome on an 8th generation ipad. is the mobile version designed with a phone in mind?

Phone and Pc are the only places were I am able to test it. But it should work on a tablet too. Can you give a more detailed explanation of what the problem is?

The game has no problem functioning, but right window is almost entirely off the screen. I’ve tried other browsers and changing the orientation, but it never goes on the screen.

How very, very strange. That is baffling. Is it really only the right window that goes off-screen not both side panels? There is a slight range of resolutions between mobile-mode and desktop-mode were things get weird, but that seems to affect both sides

how do I open settings


Better then Cyberpunk 2077 release

How do I get rid of unwanted stuff? There's no button to drop it, and I've seen no shop to sell it...

Both options are coming in version v0.2.4.0

hey, how do you upgrade the dungeon

(1 edit)

Try this page on the wiki if you are asking how to place structures. If you, are asking about adding more floors, you will have to wait to next update, that isn't in public yet.

umm.. how do i get moree exp to unlock the slime change high
I already done everything that gave me exp but im stuck on lvl 5 ;v

(1 edit) (+2)

Just beat/re-recruited Primilla. I'm really liking the theme of a lifelong-loser discovering self-worth and fighting back against the bad hand life gave him. I hope this continues throughout the game, because this society you've crafted is so classist it isn't even funny, just straight up dystopic and I want to dismantle it. The new corporate world sucks, and from what I've learned so far, Rogschard wasn't too nice either. I hope we can make Dayji and Primilla change their outlook on normal-folk.


That's the plan

(1 edit)

Hey Nranchs can you help me with defeating flutty foottales, I won the first time you meet him but now i can't hurt him because of the golem

If stuck, try the wiki

how do you beat Mu?

I would viciously hug her and then flirt with her and don't really know what to do after that

If stuck, try the wiki


Suggestion for the slime species: allow their liquid bodies to pay a bigger role, for example: They could take more damage than the other species, but are harder to hit, due to the core, like with enemy slimes,  or for that one side quest with nook whilst in the office, the slime player can go into the printer to shove the fairies out, but in doing so, has to leave their clothes behind, maybe make it to where you can use the shapeshifting to make weapons and tentacles, at higher levels, slime characters could also grow to respect you quicker due to you being a great slime, another idea I had was to have each species get an automatic buff to something when they level up, slimes become harder to hit by getting more slime, kobolds get stronger scales, and humans get more flux,  basically, have the slime gameplay be more about being fuid and hard to catch, able to slip through things and change shape, however, the smaller the cracks, the less likely they are to be able to bring there clothes, maybe have each species have unique scenes, like the slime expanding to cover a love interest, for either sex, or maybe to protect  them, actually it could be an ability they discover during the story, and each species could have a few, or to add a bit of fluff, automatically shapeshifting during certain sex scenes to match the genitals needed, and maybe a way to customize your kids, though that may require time,  IDK, I just want the species to affect the story more, if not in an undertale way, then a  deltarune way, you know, ultimately not effecting the outcome, but still effecting the way you get their, also more character customization options, like, choosing the size of your genitals, like, thigh size, ass size, breast size, physigue, etc, and, maybe a vanity thing, since this is single player, being able to have the look of one outfit with the stats of another so you don't have to sacrifice the way you look would be cool, with some exceptions if what your wearing is important to the story, though having dialogue depending on the kind of clothing in said vanity would be cool, you know, just to add a bit more detail to pull the player more into the story, same with the players body, like the slime species picking up dust in areas, the kobold struggling in tight spaces, the human being more effected than the others by weather, also, maybe the slime could be harder to grapple, but easier to keep in a grapple, since if the core is missed they could just squeeze out like water, but if the enemy grabs your core, your boned, so basically its almost impossible to be grabbled as a slime but if the enemy succeeds, your fucked. though, i don't know wether the slime would be more or less effected by the  temperature than the humans... Obviously some things would have to be added to the other species to balance them out, maybe making kobolds focus on physical strength, like a tank, and the humans focus on using magic to keep up with the others? obviously the other species can work in different builds, but those would be what their best suited for...

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How on earth do I get into the sewer?? I've investigated the trash like a hundred times

That content (Boulevard sewers) becomes alliable next update v0.2.2.0, it is currently marked as under construction

Ohhh. Okay. That means I can't get anywhere else in the game, then.

Consents 🙏

Jokes aside, sexy time is nice and all, but damn does the writing good. Feels like reading a published novel than anything else I've played. Overall, definitely in my top tier list now. I wish you best of luck in its future development

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