"Making use of their control, Female slime switches the position to [Cunnilingus], domming you." "Female slime rubs their penis against your mouth, ordering you to go lick it."
As a female human, I have access to the tail domme options
Slime can do physical attacks while I'm dazed (this may be intended, but it's frustrating when I can't do the same and she has much more HP)
Slime clothing doesn't block positions
When switching equipped items, the unequip message (often?) has wrong item: e.g., sandals --> knee socks,
"You unequipped [Pink knee socks of the Sage] from your Feet [Increased Libido by 1]"
Like and dislikes in sex combat often seem inconsistent, but I didn't keep track of specific examples. Something like male slimes disliking vaginas but liking vaginal insertion
I enjoy the game however if you are playing as male the majority of the male sex scenes have you as the bottom, will there be more options to top added?
At some point it is impossible to save, I press to save and nothing happens, is this a bug or so it is designed, because I may be a moron and missed the information on this subject....
Strange, is this the web or downloaded version? And can you open the debug window (Ctrl+shift+I), navigate to the console, and post what warnings/errors are in there?
downloaded,I can't upload a screenshot, the site won't let me....
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set a named property on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'undum_be1c95b9-cbc7-48c6-8e6a-89837aa9113e_0_1.0' exceeded the quota.
at Object.core.doSave (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2784:58)
at Object.core.targetSave (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2771:8)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2916:41)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2:43064)
at HTMLButtonElement.v.handle (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2:41048)
Sounds like you hit the max allowed save-file size for your browser (or you ran out of disc space). What browser are you using? And how big is your savefile when you download it?
(public build) ive noticed a problem, i cant actually do any of the content without a lot of grinding for XP due to the only way to get XP now being finding the random knowledge scrolls
I noticed a bug (heh) with the Vebbeddinner sex scenes. I'm playing as a Greater Slime, and if I have a vagina, I can't select either of the options. If I use Reshape (mid) to switch to a penis, then I'm able to select both of them. This is true for when losing the fight against her, and when talking to her after winning the fight. I don't know if this also affects the other playable races.
I also noticed that the portraits for both male and female spiders seem to be broken.
I would love to be able to play as a were dog or were wolf like nooks lol, as you could tell from my name ^w^ however I do not intend to rush you, I hope you just consider my offer as a possible option when ever you want
More player species are on the list with planned features, but it might take quite a while to get to it, there is a lot of other stuff to be done first
This artstyle grew on me as I played. The game does seem to lean to either being a bisexual male, or a female protagonist. The writing is pretty amusing as well, and while there are typos, those are probably fixed in the later builds, just not in the public one yet.
Certainly very curious to see where this might go. I'm a bit of a sucker for base building-style stuff. I do think the character creation could use some more meat to it, but that's just a personal thing - I only have like, one male OC so I have to think of using some of the girls instead, and I have to make them as faithfully as possible!
Dont know who needs to know this but for mobile users on phones-download joiplay and inport it there. You have to play the game in portait mode though.
(Also idk if its just me but the saving in the game is weird so i end up relying on the autosaves rather than my manual saves.)
For the quest [The one named Mona] I take it? It's in development still, and will be released to the Patreons next update. When checking the wiki, you can use the version numbers at the bottom of the page to see if the content has made it to the public build yet. (Public is at v0(.1).21.0. If wiki pages don't mention a version, it is already in public)
Yeah, I completed that quest a while ago. I learned Chitterspeech, and after using Inspect in a fight, I can viciously hug her. But I don't see how to actually beat her.
I take it this is the downloaded build? It appears the index.html cannot find the other files. You must extract the folder in full, keeping the folder structure in tact, and then open the index.html file (this might not work on some mobile devices, in that case you can only play the web build)
I... I lost my data... Well it's fine lol I can just race through again lol (Edit: I caught up to my previous save already, doing some extra stuff In between, only took a hour) (Edit2: also what's with the "peculiar trash pile"? I don't know what to do with it-)
just came back after a year of waiting for content to move forward, checking comments to make sure things actually moved forward, now i have to go find out who toe eater is
i got stuck after the mu anal oviposition, after i hit continue the button faded out but left me stuck on that screen and when i reloat it doesnt let me do anything until i reload the page
Interesting, almost seems like you were able to save in a spot where you were not supposed to be able to. Cannot figure it out from this alone, unfortunately. Is it possible for you to join the discord and send me your savefile there? The #questions-and-help is a good place to put it
From your description I guess you're suck at the soothsayer, move around the side into the alleyway one or two tiles east, there is an back entrance by going west at the end
In the Mox Milledew help scene in the church (i dearly hope there aren't multiple) she says that she "lot my calm", which you might want to correct at some point.
...Not my usual cup of tea, but that skip button has made me quite a lot bolder than i usually am, so thanks for that.
Can you add a wolf boy as a race lol, you can tell by my name why I would like it, how ever if you can't or don't want to that's fine as this is your game, just a suggestion
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Omg I love this game and the sexiest part of this game ?? (SCROLL DOWN)
"You tell your opponent you would rather not, they respect your bodily autonomy and let you have the win."
Female slime sex combat has some issues:
When switching equipped items, the unequip message (often?) has wrong item: e.g., sandals --> knee socks,
"You unequipped [Pink knee socks of the Sage] from your Feet [Increased Libido by 1]"
Like and dislikes in sex combat often seem inconsistent, but I didn't keep track of specific examples. Something like male slimes disliking vaginas but liking vaginal insertion
Thank you for reporting!
I enjoy the game however if you are playing as male the majority of the male sex scenes have you as the bottom, will there be more options to top added?
Yes, probably
when playing a game on itch.io how can i hide the info in the top right
Please help. is there a hotkey?
the view all byfollow
add to
rate this
it all gets in the way
If you maximise the game using the semi-transparent symbol in the bottom right of the game, the itch.io ui will hide itself
At some point it is impossible to save, I press to save and nothing happens, is this a bug or so it is designed, because I may be a moron and missed the information on this subject....
You can only save when on the map, otherwise the save buttons are greyed out
No, well, I'm not that dumb.)
I can't save when I'm traveling on the map.
Only saving with the download file works.
Strange, is this the web or downloaded version? And can you open the debug window (Ctrl+shift+I), navigate to the console, and post what warnings/errors are in there?
downloaded,I can't upload a screenshot, the site won't let me....
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set a named property on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'undum_be1c95b9-cbc7-48c6-8e6a-89837aa9113e_0_1.0' exceeded the quota.
at Object.core.doSave (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2784:58)
at Object.core.targetSave (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2771:8)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2916:41)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2:43064)
at HTMLButtonElement.v.handle (file:///C:/Users/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C/Downloads/Rogschard_v0_2_1_2/source.js:2:41048)
core.doSave @ source.js:2784
core.targetSave @ source.js:2771
(anonymous) @ source.js:2916
dispatch @ source.js:2
v.handle @ source.js:2
Sounds like you hit the max allowed save-file size for your browser (or you ran out of disc space). What browser are you using? And how big is your savefile when you download it?
(public build) ive noticed a problem, i cant actually do any of the content without a lot of grinding for XP due to the only way to get XP now being finding the random knowledge scrolls
Or grinding, what dark souls does to a mf
Exp re-balances are coming in the next two updates, but the game should still be beatable right now without grinding if you play your cards right
No i just dont have the skill i need to actually progress (the chitterspeak skill)
Another thing... Idk how to get to spider gal TwT
Have you found Mu's nest yet?
Lemme hunt that down- edit: how do I crawl into the hole-
I'm having issues as well. :(
I found out lol, it gives you the answer if you use the skill inspect
ah crud lol thanks :D
I noticed a bug (heh) with the Vebbeddinner sex scenes. I'm playing as a Greater Slime, and if I have a vagina, I can't select either of the options. If I use Reshape (mid) to switch to a penis, then I'm able to select both of them. This is true for when losing the fight against her, and when talking to her after winning the fight. I don't know if this also affects the other playable races.
I also noticed that the portraits for both male and female spiders seem to be broken.
Thanks for reporting! A hotfix has been released
I just encounterEd a error where I tried to observe a female slime only for it to just die on me
Yep, that is a bug, thanks for reporting!
I would love to be able to play as a were dog or were wolf like nooks lol, as you could tell from my name ^w^ however I do not intend to rush you, I hope you just consider my offer as a possible option when ever you want
More player species are on the list with planned features, but it might take quite a while to get to it, there is a lot of other stuff to be done first
how do you beat the crypt bat? I've been struggling to beat them
It'll give you hints during the fight but I'll give you one in the form of a meme! Pull a Raiden from metal gear rising revengance
If stuck, try the wiki
Is it currently possible to get Mosqir drool cravings (high)? I've spent a lot of time with Falzly, but I'm still at (mid).
No, there is no content that uses it yet, so I disabled that stage for now
It seems that there is something wrong with online play. I am stuck in the start interface, which only shows a picture……
Can you open the debug console (Ctrl+shift+I), and post what kind of errors are in there?
I’m pretty sure clicking it starts the game, works for me.
Dildo can be used on either gender's parts regardless of current gender, is that a bug?
Probably, thanks for reporting! I will take a look
Gotta say, the writing and humor in this on point. Well done. Looking forward to future updates.
This artstyle grew on me as I played. The game does seem to lean to either being a bisexual male, or a female protagonist. The writing is pretty amusing as well, and while there are typos, those are probably fixed in the later builds, just not in the public one yet.
Certainly very curious to see where this might go. I'm a bit of a sucker for base building-style stuff. I do think the character creation could use some more meat to it, but that's just a personal thing - I only have like, one male OC so I have to think of using some of the girls instead, and I have to make them as faithfully as possible!
Wheres Mona?
That quest can not be completed in the public build yet. She can be found in v0.2.2.0, which is currently in early access on Patreon
Dont know who needs to know this but for mobile users on phones-download joiplay and inport it there. You have to play the game in portait mode though.
(Also idk if its just me but the saving in the game is weird so i end up relying on the autosaves rather than my manual saves.)
Show post...
Question,when will the next update come out?
Updates release the first Monday of the month, so today. The patch should be live in a couple of hours
Hey uh.. How do you defeat the male slime, as well as the wolf necromancer?
For the male slime, you have to defend when it says the slime is preparing a bit attack. After that the slime will be stunned and you can damage them.
Thanks, and for the Necromancer?
For the wolf necromancer you need to talk to him to break his concentration and there will be tips implying you can land a hit.
how can i observe the the trash heap in the alleyway next to Orcmin soft?
For the quest [The one named Mona] I take it? It's in development still, and will be released to the Patreons next update. When checking the wiki, you can use the version numbers at the bottom of the page to see if the content has made it to the public build yet. (Public is at v0(.1).21.0. If wiki pages don't mention a version, it is already in public)
the wiki says v0.2.2.0, does that mean that it is not yet in the public build?
Yes, it is not in the public build yet, the numbering changed with the major version release that comes to public next month. From v0.21.0 to v0.2.0.0
anyone know what the fastest way to reach level 10 is
How am I supposed to beat Mu on the graveyard? I don't see a way, and the wiki doesn't help either.
The 1st graveyard fight? Have you completed the quest you get if you talk to her during that fight and learned the skill?
Yeah, I completed that quest a while ago. I learned Chitterspeech, and after using Inspect in a fight, I can viciously hug her. But I don't see how to actually beat her.
Edit: Nevermind, found how to beat her by random
Every time I try to open my inventory from the overworld menu it freezes the game trying to open the inventory & I have to reload the page
Hmm, that is nasty. Can you open the bowser debug console (Ctr+shift+I) and see what is in there?
I'm not certain what's important but here's a screenshot of the debug menu.
Excellent! I have found the bug and released a hotfix. Your game should work without problems now.
Thank you!
Good job so far! Love it. Wish there was more races to choose from.
When will the mobile version be released😃
You can already play on phones using the web version, it is fully mobile compatible
Uhmmm i did what it said to and i just
get this....how do i play?
I take it this is the downloaded build? It appears the index.html cannot find the other files. You must extract the folder in full, keeping the folder structure in tact, and then open the index.html file (this might not work on some mobile devices, in that case you can only play the web build)
Thanks for the explanation.
Just downloaded the new public build, now the minimap is kinda broken for me
Oh, how unfortunate, let's see if we can get that fixed. Can you share a screenshot and what kind of browser/device you are playing on?
I'm playing the game via the itch.io launcher. I'd love to add a screenshot, but it seems itch doesn't want me to post an image
I uploaded a fix (v0.17.2) for some rendering problems found in the Patreon build. Perhaps it will fix yours too
Yeah, the problem's fixed now. Thank you for answering :)
I have a question: how the [bleep] do you get to work? I swear my character has been running around like a mad woman for the past five minutes...
Edit: Nevermind, I found it...
I... I lost my data... Well it's fine lol I can just race through again lol (Edit: I caught up to my previous save already, doing some extra stuff In between, only took a hour) (Edit2: also what's with the "peculiar trash pile"? I don't know what to do with it-)
The thrash pile is a hint for content that has not been added yet XP
ah alright lol
i want toe eater to eat my toes so she can live up to her name
Any ways to defeat toe eater?
If stuck, try the wiki~
just came back after a year of waiting for content to move forward, checking comments to make sure things actually moved forward, now i have to go find out who toe eater is
Beating monsters and searching trash piles both can give them to you, I'm not sure what else.
If you're taking suggestions, I think that Mosquir and Werecats would both be fun to play as. Something that's more avian or bug-like would be fun.
Thank you for the suggestion! I can't make promises on what will be added, but I always love hearing what people want to see
i got stuck after the mu anal oviposition, after i hit continue the button faded out but left me stuck on that screen and when i reloat it doesnt let me do anything until i reload the page
Oh, that does not sound good. Can you open the dev tools (likely Ctrl+shift+I) and navigate to the console to see what errors are in there?
yeah heres what it says (it wont let me send a pic so i hope just copy pasting it works)
source.js:1472 Current combat driver undefined.
warn @ source.js:1472
source.js:41758 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getOrDefaultQuest')
at SimpleSituation.onEnter [as _onEnter] (source.js:41758:26)
at SimpleSituation.enter (source.js:328:33)
at doTransitionTo (source.js:2580:22)
at processOneLink (source.js:2467:17)
at processLink (source.js:2438:13)
at processClick (source.js:2505:9)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (source.js:2610:25)
at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (source.js:2:43064)
at HTMLAnchorElement.v.handle (source.js:2:41048)
Interesting, almost seems like you were able to save in a spot where you were not supposed to be able to. Cannot figure it out from this alone, unfortunately. Is it possible for you to join the discord and send me your savefile there? The #questions-and-help is a good place to put it
alright sure how do i join
There is a discord invite link in the side panel of the game (I now also added it to the description)
in the quest log it says go to your work but i can't find i or if it is what i think it is it wont let me go to it am i doing something wrong
From your description I guess you're suck at the soothsayer, move around the side into the alleyway one or two tiles east, there is an back entrance by going west at the end
In the Mox Milledew help scene in the church (i dearly hope there aren't multiple) she says that she "lot my calm", which you might want to correct at some point.
...Not my usual cup of tea, but that skip button has made me quite a lot bolder than i usually am, so thanks for that.
Oh, and in Falzly's Bloodsucking dialogue it talks about Mosqir "not giving op that easily"
Indeed, thanks for reporting! The typos have been fixed in the next Patreon build, and will make it down to public in a couple of updates
Can you add a wolf boy as a race lol, you can tell by my name why I would like it, how ever if you can't or don't want to that's fine as this is your game, just a suggestion
I see, thank you for the suggestion! I can't make promises on any future content, but I always love hearing what people would like to see in the game
when will you finish the pregnancy
You can find what pregnancies have been added in what version in this page of the wiki.
how do you know when you get pregnant besides the notebook
I have tried the breeding but just about nothing is happening
Public is at version v0.14.0, so beside the Drainfly, there is nothing that can get you pregnant