One Million Views Thank You~

Greetings everyone! I hope you are all enjoying Lordling of Hearts. Recently, I have passed one million views across my itch games. Once more, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, your support is what makes these games happen! 

I thought I would make a short post to celebrate the occasion, and have a chat about what is coming down the pipeline.

The public release of Lordling of Hearts V4 will come the 17th of June (in about a week). On the technical side, it will introduce a hotbar, and various quality of life improvements. This version introduces a dedicated interact button, so you can loot/talk/pickup at the stroke of a button, and allows you to hold the move key to sprint down the map.

On the story end, it adds a significant chunk of interactions with Mork, and his old mentor, the retired centaur Fiveleg. There will be a new mini-dungeon for you to explore, a boss to fight, and a bunch of new sex scenes.

Meanwhile, developments on Lordling of Hearts V5 are well underway.

I expect that it will release to patrons on the 1st of July. The technical changes in this version will introduce map targeting for PC devices, various new hotkeys, and start the progress of adding fan translation support.

Storywise, we will be focusing on a new character, Garter the Alchemist, who runs the local potion shop in Darkhill, and some shenanigans involving Alice the Angel. Also, I will be adding an additional loss scene to the fight with Javelinrain, to flesh out that content, but that is rather unrelated to anything.

Love, Nranchs

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really enjoy the style of the game and am looking forward to future updates. do you plan on doing bad ends or maybe soft bad endings?


I might do some soft bad endings, if there is a place for it, and the player does something particularly dumb

Amazing! Love your work, It's nice to have such a genuinely good person in this industry! Wish there were more people like you.


Thank you for you kind words~